In the Hunger Games movie the stars Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss Everdeen, Josh Hutcherson as Petta Mallerk and Liam Hemsworth as Gale Hawthorne are in a thrilling and heart teasing movie that is perfectly played.The movie is was fantastic, Its a movie teens would love for boys and girls and even the adults and for the littler children it might be seen scary of some violent action shots if i would give a rating on this movie i would give it a 7 out of 10
Thanks for reading
I think I agree with you about the movie. The first time I saw it I felt really let down. The second time I saw it with my students and I loved seeing and hearing their reactions ( I wish I could have been with KMS when you saw the movie). I also noticed more details the second time that I missed the first time. The last time I saw it, I think I finally saw my headpiece; I also saw my son 5 times. I think I am done with THG at least for a while :) Miss you <3