Friday, October 14, 2011

would you change yourself to be in the "normal" crowd

I am going to start this off with a question to you the reader. Would you change yourself to look or be in the normal crowd? I mean really think about it would you? If you are the type that would let me ask you another question why? why change your natural beauty.well I do know why a lot of girls do because I am a girl but I am not to sure if the guys do I know they probably buy like the hottest shoes and buy all the clothes that the other guys wear and style their hair a certain why but for girls its like we have to be perfect to fit in and sometimes we do everything we can to fit in and that doesn't even work and the media doesn't help with that because it seems like for girls its about how you look is the only way to be pretty when its not because everyone is beautiful no matter what people say or what the media says I mean heck who cares what they think as long if you feel pretty with your self that is okay and let me end this with saying. Everyone is beautiful and unique in their own way please don't change your self for anything or anyone and you don't have wear or look or be a certain size to be perfect or pretty please just be you because you are awesome just the way you are

1 comment:

  1. Cool. I'm really liking how you drew on your own experiences with being influenced to support your message. Makes what you're saying much more real!
